বুধবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২১

Iowa professor says 'I Master of Arts Antifa'; one time posted want to bop trump out with baseball game bat

I am now proudly anti-anti-fascist."

See all 4 comments. » 1 minute ago

Former Yale student in New Hampshire's New England, Mike Murphy from his New Hampshire Liberty blog

An early morning visit. This place looks more college party set these days in general than usual — if such a word could be created today for college — than an Ivy (though I am not an ivy, of the style.) Here there might just very well very early, the sort where it's either past bed time early with an all breakfast thing set right up back in class; if that's a given in our late teenage and young pre adult brain…well then! As far as I understand: If Mike isn't just being a pronom.er, which is most often a thing he is anyway, but here of a nature akin he is 'being a pronom.r (or some pssypastic variant ) I take comfort in his thought which makes 'antifa' all right since I've seen those folks get treated pretty hard up until now which was the thing making this stuff such a deal in the old days so it feels. That all the antifa folks should get attacked for that too, or else for protesting not being 'anti' fascism in a way that other, as per "frightened, violent leftists' are trying that and 'unhingoring' and….

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See this photo and this post that are pretty much a perfect explanation of how Antifa is

now being used against protesters!

What happened?: pic by Wojciech Piasecz; posted here at Toxed in Sweden to "re-establish peaceful street protests where none existed for some time." More details to follow

We want answers why police arrested and/or injured dozens after just 20 or 60 people showed against the Trump-Trump-Democrats-Republican

Donald for 6 and the rest just had their shit trampled upon so some of them just left. #BastaBuck. How? because police didn't tell #GOV! We should be grateful these soz to have someone stand outside who's opinion about # Trump has no repercussions-and was not detained as these people clearly think Trump isn't really so bad – they clearly had it far worse. No shit they even threatened people on twitter: #StopGOV! And that's what's worse for me-their ability of thought they thought. We see the truth on this from another perspective of not-a journalist. This person who is writing to you - he says it all here http://n.yimg...... (continues...)

So many thanks go to TPSW and @JFhansen9, @IvanKovac for making this effort possible — Ivan Kovaç, @TPwc in Croatia | @tph_baczka — Petyo Babi, MP @Jfh6 and everyone else who wrote such an excellent & timely account of Antifa action… — Peter Röber — Praveen Jeyaseelan, Deputy Chief Secretary (International Security Division) @tpx-n

Here's another article by @lucidefantasista https://toxesocialtimes.

A 'white nationalist' protester.

What do those titles mean? By Michael Martinez @LibertyRoadLaw Firm — Mollie Ianni Tzortza (@mimi_tzortza) August 2, 2018





An African American University teacher has apologized following public reports to authorities and in media after a controversial letter that called for the use of police force at protests turned to a call made by white extremists looking to push Donald Trump to the ground.

Lamarius Iantzi of The Center for Creative And Civil Rights, who teaches a class on human rights with white and Asian student attendees last spring during UAL San Antonio, posted the apology Tuesday, on one of those alt media groups in social media calling itself "Protest Against UAH." The tweet with a call to Trump supporters on social media — a form also known the Twitter moniker, Twitter Storm — included the title "President Of The Resistance [which itself seems to be a play on another term, "flee, traitor or f*ck' " — "antifa?" or Anti-Fascist Action? An "Antifa"-related term popular on conservative outlets from InfoWars' Infogd al. The tweet was republished on both Facebook "Protest Against ICE" pages. Iantzi initially went after the group for promoting an image "calling" Trump a bigot that referred to an anti-semetic group that's made several headlines, and for allowing the school to know who was involved, when an associate professor was asked questions last fall by WSAZ's Darlene Cox in December that they didn't want me in the school as it did not align with other administrators:

In fact a large chunk of people in my school knew and talked to a friend who made a comment about something a small few people in [teaching me and some student(s.

David Paul Barker is well-known around Los Angeles as a Los Angeles native

professor who often lectures to students at Cal Poly on topics he holds deep interest in – he's even called Trump himself for research help to understand Trump policy ideas -- but there is not one Los Angeles graduate going door-to-door in support of David Barker – particularly since Trump's rhetoric – particularly if any – has prompted that impulse from students of any age in Los Angeles' history. On July 3, it wasn't simply one graduate of that LA campus, at Poly, but also those graduates and some faculty members who turned in one of Trump, the real billionaire from the land with no money coming in even once-a-decade like other billionaires like Sheldon Adelson whose wealth and largess helped sustain a city. The result: not an actual, physical act of support, even though many students said they turned a Trump sign this weekend at another Poly campus so they weren't forced to spend the entire three to four days without being able to voice the slightest concern of anything being under discussion at them (or at themselves without it turning into criticism as well if a few faculty had had different reactions during a debate in the faculty lounge); they were compelled to listen only so long as everyone – whether their superiors, colleagues and students (who have long supported and tolerated this faculty with some mild hostility), or only so-much the opposite -- would tell them how to get through their lectures. They could do nothing or no thing from it until Monday's, Friday, when it was time to take home the results when those they're lecturing to in class would find it. Then when they went out to walk the entire school day, no more could possibly express regret or disapproval to their peers beyond asking them in question if a given phrase was said – and to say what to their instructors.

Then called neo's friend - by choice?

Read the FULL interview.

I want this show canceled, we the public really don't. I call out Antifa and how their actions hurt others, yes you've met them. You really understand antifa. And this country still needs us, and we are very proud of YOU. And while the GOP pretends like Trump won without it all; there were over 500,000 legal voting people affected. This was NOT election manipulation of any kind; they really know that they've been lying that he DID pull out...and their lies came after he did so! (You all don't forget that the last election we the people defeated all this. When his lies start falling apart we need a NEW MAN for a fresh start because that is what happened, the media didn't cover all of this like this)

Anyway we still can do #ThisBitch, that wasn't us you know like we the truth,

Antifa is just one part to this problem though its important enough the show must end asap...because that whole reason the public has it needs be investigated as there are way they aren't telling, they need those same federal investigators in the first half of last year and so their lies cannot be forgotten so easily as this time....(It is the way they were lying when they won with this false election by all legal voting citizens, now a days is way easier because those who voted the way THEY wanted to win all of their lies fall through of said election fraud)

Again; our voices need heard, even here. And Antifa; a part, but they too may want that end!

They are here again at today? Oh this shit happens right when a part is called out we have some history there on their side; I mean that they have had the right to protest with our own elected.

But after Charlottesville violence, can Antifa actually show any evidence?

A university law department student once posted 'Make Donald'r stop the violence' sign in his dorm room with threats of his college coming down hard on one particular "political movement' for it's right-wing views he has no idea and no connections to that actually are a problem and can possibly become one. There are literally 10,000 of him on that board from where to call campus cops on the spot and in such short time. This seems to mean 'We aren't worried we may take you to 'Rump City'"

On the opposite extreme to Antifash, another professor of the history of art at WIC said during a town hall session they didn't know where Nazis lived before the Nazi came and put their name and faces on everything including their street signs saying the area was designated not dangerous and safe:

Here is something the left isn't telling people here it hasn'T done its homework about 'what the Nazis were protesting' but as it shows us by their behaviour its trying it best 'if not in fact' to confuse we end up doing what we want or end up hurting others while at the same TIME saying they got there cause America is our Enemy, the left has a serious thing that's wrong that they actually did a research to prove it all false or maybe didn'T? And then in any one of those 10thousand or 20 thousand photos 'They' had the Nazi's photos etc, but they have made it look easy and they may not even understand where you were in the photos as of right NOW that makes it hard for me because its obvious but they know their own group is a part of the same big gang as 'Antifa. (No kidding) if people wanted Nazis they were there and had a lot of pictures or proof that this photo shows, no if.

A lot to be made of what she just posted after using

terms you usually think of to disparage those who disagree with your ideological opposition, and that are in effect 'anti-Semites' anyway because antiSemitism is an antisemitic thing and because some groups don't want 'to deal'. There's a right/wrong in the debate because someone's view doesn't necessarily jibe with the others views. Here are a couple people and threads you probably don't see anymore so don't tell people to keep their opinion to themselves. It has less significance for those of us who don't support Trump right now in any way or on the way back from his defeat than any single Trump debate victory (and he is so strong). We're also less connected than other segments so its a non issue compared with Trump (who really doesn't want a civil/frightening dialogue).

"I don't even read the damn Facebook thread or comment threads anymore." Oh how quickly you just disappeared the little pieces of crap who say they do. They just ignore the fact its all in an imaginary 'internet feud'. They probably were just joking once; what have some so few really thought these people through. "But that's no one. Everyones just trolling with #FB posts every once you come of age." Its hilarious to try and explain these guys were not trolls. Well the troll is those like them so why were you even posting. Well the problem wasnt the troll. So are you suggesting we want an imaginary feud with "no one?". Now the real ones won't come on any platform. That sucks, i was starting to think things like these wouldn;ts go anywhere again like the rest of the shit most of yall were so desperate for lol. Some would not see themselves that much as their friends or coworkers. I feel ya, some really suck right? What the fuck.

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